Interview with Loet Konings – Technical Skill Helps You

Apakah di era digital kita perlu belajar hal teknis seperti coding, membuat website dll? Hal teknis banyak menjadi begitu mengganggu bagi pengguna digital, tidak jarang kita mendengar saya gaptek, jadi tidak mau belajar lebih lanjut atau bahkan malu kalau salah. Menurut Loet secara umum keahlian teknis memang membantu kita untuk menjalani kehidupan di era digital namun kita tidak perlu takut dan tidak perlu menjadi ahli dalam semua hal, karena itu perlu kolaborasi dan setidaknya berteman dengan ahli dalam hal teknis.

Berikut cuplikan interview saya dengan Loet:

Vika : What is the exactly being a digital person? Should we know all about it including IT, coding , etc?

Loet : Coding asks for a certain way of thinking, the programming language itself is not the hardest. I think that this mindset should be encouraged in children. In the Netherlands this happens. Later it will be quite easy for them to find their way into the increasingly complex IT world. They do not have to learn to use computer tools. For growing children, the digital world forms a self-evident part of their world of living. Do they form a new digital generation ?  I do not know. Every generation knows its own form and level of digitization.

It is certainly true, if you have more knowledge and skills in IT, you can easily succeed in more fields and perhaps get more easily a job in this digital era.

Baca juga pendapat Loet yang sangat  menarik mengenai Digital untuk semua generasi

Interview with Loet Konings – Digital for All Generations

by Vika17

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Interview with Loet Konings – Digital for All Generations
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